MP3 to TXT Online Converter

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Transcribe MP3 to TXT in Three Simple Steps


Upload MP3 file

Drag and drop the file into the designated area or click the "Upload file" button



Click "Transcribe", and Any to Text will transcribe your MP3 file into text


Download transcription

You can download the transcription to your device in TXT format. Click the "Download" button

Discounts on packages of minutes 🔥

Discount 36%
100 minutes
3.2 $ 5 $
saving 1.8 $
Discount 44%
500 minutes
14 $ 25 $
saving 11 $
Discount 50%
1000 minutes
25 $ 50 $
saving 25 $


In DOCX Format

For Microsoft Word and Google Docs

In XLSX Format

For Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

In SRT Format

For YouTube Subtitles

In TXT Format

For Notepad and Notepad++

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email: [email protected]

Of course! Just upload your file and Any2text will transcribe the first 15 minutes for free. The quality will pleasantly surprise you.

To transcribe audio or video to text, upload the file and click 'Transcribe'. Pay the required amount if the free minutes limit has been exceeded. Download the transcription to your device in docx, xlsx, or srt format.

Upload your video or audio and click 'Transcribe'. Once the transcription is complete, click 'Download' and select docx. This way, you will get the full audio or video transcription in Word.

The maximum length of video or audio for transcription is not limited. However, keep in mind that transcribing very long videos may take more time to get the transcription.

Of course. The transcript will be prepared by our AI, which will accurately transcribe audio to text with 98% accuracy.

Upload your video. Set the subtitle format and click 'Transcribe'. Once the transcription is complete, download the subtitles online in srt format.